

學校介紹 There are 217 students in our school. We have 8 elementary classes and 2 kindergarten classes. 10 classes in total. We are one-hundred-year old school. There are two buildings in our school and are very special. One is the school stadium and the other is our wood-built-dorm cluster. The stadium was built in 1920. At the beginning, the building was built for Xin-Zuang(新庄) public Academy. It was remodeled and expanded in 1964, and it was used until now. Most of important school events took place here. The Wood-built-dorm cluster has 3 main buildings. They were worn down because of long years of non-repair.

Interior and outlook of the building were old. After the evaluation of the experts, it was deemed remodel worthy. Therefore we were granted 30 million NT Dollars grant by the Ministry of Culture. The project of remodeling is going thoroughly, in the hope that the remodeling work can be finished by next year. We will work together with the culture and history experts to protect our heritage and the continuity of culture. Like other schools, our school developed our school based curriculum which centers on language/literature and reading. From knowing campus to town, and from our town to the world.

We’ll have a very good sense of global culture, to develop our own culture identity, respect difference and therefore become a superb global citizens. Aside from the curriculum, our school offers variety clubs to our students; Tchoukball, Archery, Ping-Pong, Tennis, roller skating, Track and field, bridges. The other kind of club is more static clubs including electronic piano, ocarina, violin, Ukulele, creative arts, writing, Mandarin New anchors, story Master. Among those club participants, our auto-run car design, drone design, English story telling, Tchoukball, tennis, track and field, Taekwondo, drone design have won prizes county wide.  

草屯簡介 Our 草屯town. The town we live in is草屯township. There are many famous spots in our town. Today we would like to talk about 3 places for you. First, is 登瀛Academy. In 1734, it was developed to a place for the villagers to study and learn things. In 1848, it became the 登瀛Academy officially. At the same time the temple for 文昌帝君—the God of culture and literature was built next to the academy, too. It has established for about 173 years now. It’s a sacred place for people to worship 文昌帝君。The temple was also graded the 3rd grade heritage. 手工藝品中心 The second famous place in 草屯town is national craft and art center. There are five buildings in the campus. Their exhibits include life art, industrial art, industrial design, information exhibits and local arts. It provides 草屯residence a good place to experience culture. 敦倫堂 The third place that I am going to talk about is 燉倫堂. The building design is the reason why it’s famous. The black brick and grey tile ways of building things is a unique way for local building. It shows the way of local people’s life in the past.
